Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Carousel of Thoughts

Geez how the days fly by. I really intend to update this more often, but I've been quite busy lately. Although busy isn't the word, because that has sort of a negative connotation. I've been occupied. Involvedish.

Many things have happened in the past week.

I have accidentally resurfaced relations with someone who I have a great dislike for. This individual's lack of logic or intelligence baffles me, and even more so because they think that they possess both in quite larges amounts. I do not see them amounting to much of anything, or contributing anything of value to the world in their lifetime. I am normally not this negative in my thoughts regarding others, or at least not openly. I also usually try to find some reason to explain why I don't get along with certain people, but my problems with this individual lie in their own, self made, faults.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, though, there is definitely an abundance of positivity. I am giving a warning though, prepare for vagueness for a good portion of it.

In previous situations, I have searched for certain characteristics only to settle on ones I found similar or thought to be equal in construction. Currently though, I am not settling. In fact, I'm doing quite the opposite. I also feel that I've never been able to have full communication. Almost full, but never an exact. It is this exact that brings such positivity. I also have realized what the necessary prerequisties are to have this exact, and I find it funny that I did not realize it before. One must travel down before they travel up. And one who knows the downward road is best aquainted with one who knows the same road, especially if they have both traveled it so far as to see the road ascend. Those who have not traveled may only learn so much from a map.

Thoughts of the school year have been swirling around in my head incessantly. I do have high hopes though. Quite high. I'm definitely planning continuing down this road, slow and steady, with a keen eye and open arms. <--- Most cliche sentence I've ever wrote. Purposely.

I'm jealous of the NJ Transit terminal. For two reasons.

I still don't understand the dancer and the doctor.

No, she did not have a midget name.


  1. "One must travel down before they travel up." I love that!

  2. Haha thanks. It really is true though. Seeing the lows makes you savor the highs so much more too.
