Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One Addition to My Previous Post

One more things. The purpose of helping people is to make them more prepaired to deal with situations in the future. Through their problems, they learn what or what not to do in the future. But this should not make them afraid to encounter future situations. That is what I just realized. A balance is needed, as in all things. People must learn to be alert, but not afraid. They must be wary of future situations, but not afraid to take them on. If they are afraid, they may be to scared to accept anything new and may let something good pass them by, which is the ultimate loss.

I don't really know why this all flowed from my brain, but I definitely attribute it to my clear state of mind, and as I said in my previous post, I'm extremely greatful and happy to have it.

A Psychological Revelation

Something just occured to me. Sometimes things are complicated. Very complicated. But sometimes, from a different point of view, they're so simple. After looking at a complicated situation from a distance, I realized how simple it can be to me when my own situation is so simple and my mind is clear and calm. Sometimes things just don't click for people. It's happened to me countless times. But when something clicks for you, and your eyes are opened, even other people's complicated situations become simple for you. That's the key to helping others. To help yourself first. I realized that a while ago, but not on this level. Clarity in your own mind makes you see through the distortion in the minds of others. In this way, you are more capable of bringing clarity to them. Such is the goal.

I can't even express how greatful and happy I am to be in a simple (as in problem-free) and calm situation. And therefore, a simple and calm mindset.

I find it very ironic that I'm talking about clarity, seeing through distortion, and helping others, when I've been listening to the song entitled Through My Eyes by Threat Signal all day.

(A) Movement From Dischord (into serenity)

I have no idea where the last week has gone in terms of me updating, although I have been somewhat busy. I've done a lot of driving specifically, but all with good reason.

As the summer comes to a close in less than a week, I'm trying to make the most of what is left. If there is any more enjoyment that is able to be squeezed out, I intended to find it and leave the rind dry.

As I have said in previous posts, even though summer is coming to an end, I am quite happy. Not so much because I'm going back to school (as that is bittersweet), but because of other aspects in life, specifically other people. Things seem to be relatively stress free, and with the exception of school, it seems that they are going to stay this way for a while. Or at least I hope so. I couldn't ask to be anything more than calm, comfortable, and happy. Except maybe monetarily well-off. But that's something to work for.

Four a.m. seems to be my consistant new bed time. I find it funny that it gets later as school gets closer.

If the new Threat Signal album doesn't leak soon, my head may explode.

I am quite exited for this weekend. I hope it will give the summer a perfect ending.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Boats, Tree Bark, and Winding Down.

Tonight I was on a boat. The most boring boat ride of my life. If it hadn't been for my mother's birthday, I would have been much more annoyed. I did get to try filet mignon though, and it did not disappoint.

Yesterday afternoon concluded a period of time in which i was nauseous for almost 48 hours straight, thanks to some homemade spanish liquor from hell. Never will I drink anything made from roots, leaves and tree bark. Lesson learned.

Besides those two complaints, I am doing quite well. Summer may be winding down, but I am making the most of the remaining weeks. I'm quite happy with the direction that things are going, and as anxious I am to see how they will turn out, I know that being patient and letting things progress naturally is worth it.

I'm happy that I now own a sport jacket that actually fits me.

I really want to finish Outliers before school starts.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Carousel of Thoughts

Geez how the days fly by. I really intend to update this more often, but I've been quite busy lately. Although busy isn't the word, because that has sort of a negative connotation. I've been occupied. Involvedish.

Many things have happened in the past week.

I have accidentally resurfaced relations with someone who I have a great dislike for. This individual's lack of logic or intelligence baffles me, and even more so because they think that they possess both in quite larges amounts. I do not see them amounting to much of anything, or contributing anything of value to the world in their lifetime. I am normally not this negative in my thoughts regarding others, or at least not openly. I also usually try to find some reason to explain why I don't get along with certain people, but my problems with this individual lie in their own, self made, faults.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, though, there is definitely an abundance of positivity. I am giving a warning though, prepare for vagueness for a good portion of it.

In previous situations, I have searched for certain characteristics only to settle on ones I found similar or thought to be equal in construction. Currently though, I am not settling. In fact, I'm doing quite the opposite. I also feel that I've never been able to have full communication. Almost full, but never an exact. It is this exact that brings such positivity. I also have realized what the necessary prerequisties are to have this exact, and I find it funny that I did not realize it before. One must travel down before they travel up. And one who knows the downward road is best aquainted with one who knows the same road, especially if they have both traveled it so far as to see the road ascend. Those who have not traveled may only learn so much from a map.

Thoughts of the school year have been swirling around in my head incessantly. I do have high hopes though. Quite high. I'm definitely planning continuing down this road, slow and steady, with a keen eye and open arms. <--- Most cliche sentence I've ever wrote. Purposely.

I'm jealous of the NJ Transit terminal. For two reasons.

I still don't understand the dancer and the doctor.

No, she did not have a midget name.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Christmas in August, Luaus, Friends, and Food

I was not aware that Christmas was in August. Judging from the hordes of people who stampeded into Target today, you would have thought it was. I have never seen it as busy as it was today before, at least, October. I have no idea what caused this mad rush, but I'm glad I got out at 5.

I attended a luau last night. It seemed odd to me before I actually went (honestly I didn't even decide to go until a few hours before), but I actually had a really good time. It was supposed to be a luau, but it was pretty much a group of people sitting around a table, munching on hamburgers, watermelon, and shark-shaped fruit snacks, while surrounded by Hawaiian-style decorations and an animal-themed totem poll. I'm not quite sure where the totem pole fit into the style of the party, but it was a common conversation piece throughout the night.

I'm glad I went. While I'm content with my current groups of friends, I'm always open to meeting new people. Before last night, I barely knew any of the people at the party (yet I work with all of them), but they were nice enough to invite me to their party, and were quite welcoming. It's refreshing to have experiences like that, especially when certain friends are acting in the opposite way recently. I do hope I get the chance to enjoy the company of the luau bunch again before everyone goes back to school. If I don't though, that's just another group of people who I will look forward to seeing during the holidays.

I've become obsessed with this place called Bourbon Street in the food court in the mall. They have mainly Chinese food like lo mein, egg rolls, and various types of asain chicken, but with some great American hits like mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I can't believe how much (great tasting) food they give for charging so little charge. Plus if you buy 9 meals, you get the 10th free. I'm baffled by the value.

I have high hopes for the band The Fortune Teller.

I've made a to-do list for this Tuesday and I'm really aiming to get most of the things on it done.

I also forsee Wednesday being a good day. Just a hunch.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Edit, Conversation, and School

After rereading my last post, I realized that it was somewhat confusing to me, and probably even more confusing to anyone who happened to read it. I pretty much just spilled my thoughts out, without really formulating them (somewhat) coherently as i usually do. For that, I appologize.

Today consisted of two seperate conversations with two different people that threw me in two different directions, one negative, one positive. Im really glad that the positive one came second.

I'm not sure how I feel about school starting back up in less than a month. I do miss certain aspects of it, but the thought of piles of textbooks to read and essays to write does not exactly make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I'm entering this year a lot differently than last though. I'm surrounded by a different set of people this time, but definitely in a good way. This includes both friends at Adelphi and friends elsewhere. I feel like life is more stable now that it was this time last year, and for that I'm greatful. For now though, I'm going to focus on enjoying the rest of the summer. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to watch some In Treatment tonight.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brain Mush

I've always gone back and forth and whether it's a good thing or not that I'm an emotional person. It's something that I could never come up with a definitive answer for, and currently, I'm still stumped. Within the last couple years, I've definitely harnessed my emotion and directed it towards positive things, but sometimes it's quite difficult to keep it under control when I encounter certain situations. Betrayal of trust, seeing bad things happen to good people, or even seeing good things happen to bad people are all things that cause my emotions to flare up. An emotional flare up causes me to painstakingly assess my current state, and analyze whether I've really gotten myself into a good position. It also gives my stomach a feeling of extreme uneasyness that I cannot get sued to, no matter how many times I've had it. Finally, it causes me to be quite critical of people, whether that be good or bad. I've been told sometimes being extremely critical of someone can be the absolute best thing to help them, but I'm not completely convinced. Tearing a person down so that they can build themselves back up may help, but only if they want to build themselves back up. And once they rebuild, it's imperative that they stick with their new constructed self concept, or they will cause all of their hard work to be meaningless. Tearing them down can be either the best or worse thing you can do for them. I've done it before with positive results, but the ideas of the negative still scare me. And the more you care about the person, the harder it is to do. But then again, the more you care about the person, the more you want to help them. Therein lies the double edged sword of a situation.

This did not really flow well, but I didn't expect it to. It served it's purpose, and for that I will save it here.

One more. For one reason. Even though I shouldn't. P.M.W.