Monday, June 1, 2009

Urge, Generalities About People, and Time

I just sort of had an urge to log in a write something. I haven't written here for a while because I was busy with school and finals and such, but now I'll hopefully get back into the habit. My summer is looking pretty exciting so far.  I'll be going to Jersey and Montauk,  along with playing shows and working. 

Some people really disappoint me. They don't let me down, I just know that they're capable of more than they outwardly express, and disappoint me in terms of not living up to their full potential. Other people just seem to have no logical sense whatsoever. Other other people have odd ways of expressing things. Other other other people are just unique.

I've been thinking about time lately. After communicating across time yesterday (or just having a phone conversation with the other side of the world), I realized that even though time is man made (we've created the unit of week, month, year), there is still a degree to which it exists naturally. Things age even when they do not have a specific age. They simply move from point A to point B. A flower sprouts, blooms, and dies. It does not matter when or for how long, it just is.

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