Thursday, June 25, 2009

Transformers, Justification, and a Small Social Connection

I saw Transformers last night. To sum it up, it was a good action movie, and a terrible Transformers movie. There were some great fight scenes, explosions, and death, but for a true Transformers fan, the amount of sheer idiotic garbage that was packed into it in order to make it appeal to the public was just horrifying. Several examples include a mobster-esque transformer, two twin transformers that were personified to act very much like stereotypical black people, and a horny dog. There was just so many unecessary things that were added, it makes me sad that they couldn't just focus more on the actual Transformers plotline. For further review on this, check out John Miller's blog. 

On a different note, I haven't really done any musing on a deep topic in a while. Today while I was driving to work, I started thinking about the concept of justification. It has such a loose definition, I was (and still am) pretty stumped as how to accurately define it. From what I could come up with, justification is basically any reason given for performing an act. Is there a difference between a justification and a reason, though? A reason seems to me like it's something that's usually accepted as a motive for performing an act, but a justification seems more like an attempt at a reason. It's more common to say that someone is 'trying to justify' something, not that someone 'is justifying' or 'justified' something. That is, unless you're talking about the Justin Timberlake album. Wow that was a pretty bad joke.

I got a Facebook friend request today from someone I haven't spoken to in a few years, and who I barely knew when I did speak to them. It took me by surprise a bit, and I probably read too far into it, but I thought it was nice that someone who I didn't know that much actually remembered me, and took the initiative to make a (albeit small) social connection. 

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