Monday, October 19, 2009

Time will not heal, all of your pain. I cannot wait until it all comes crashing...

Wow I'm really bad at updating this lately.

I had a realization about fear yesterday. It is quite difficult for us to understand why were used to be afraid of something once we actually overcome it. At one point, we may cringe even at the thought of something, but once we have conquered that fear, we often cannot understand how we were once afraid. This doesn't apply in all situations, but quite often with fears that are 'grown out of'.

It baffles me how some people set themselves up to get hurt, almost as if they want it to happen. They put themselves in situations that they know (and have openly stated) would be detrimental to them, and yet choose to stay rooted in that situation until it's inevitable fallout. Even when it falls out, they tend to return for more abuse later on. Such self-masochist behavior seems, to me, to be caused by many other underlying issues.

I'm looking forward to this weekend and the next. Party time and Halloween time! Both with my love! <3

Some people will make damn good listeners, but bad psychologists.

The first born narcissist theory is true. Or at least in this case.

The album Shogun gets better and better the more I listen to it.

I enjoy the smell of both freshly cut grass and gasoline, especially in the same day.

Stop writing sex mail if you have a fucking Jesus lanyard.

1 comment:

  1. HAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH jesus lanyard hahahah i cannot stop laughing.
