Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life Update

Well...where to start. So many things have happened recently. To start, I am no longer in a relationship for the first time in the last two years, and the majority of the last three. I'm not terribly disappointed, in fact I'm very glad that it ended the way it did, because it could have ended much worse. I am slightly bummed (for lack of a better word), but I'm definite filled with positive expectations for the future. These last two years were great, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. What had to happen happened, and there's no reason to live in the past. I'll definitely miss certain aspects, but I can't let these kinds of things pull me down like I've let happen in the past. I can definitely say though, that I've learned a lot, and wouldn't trade the last two years for anything.

In other news, I feel like the factor that inhibits my writing here (see three posts or so ago) is being worked on. That factor is simply that I often have a hard time explaining what I'm thinking in verbal or text form. It makes sense in my head, but I can't quite transfer it to a public realm. I can't really explain how I'm working on it, but I just have a hunch that it is and will become easier as I continue write here.

This isn't quite as important as everything else, but I also got a new computer, which I'm currently on. It's quite awesome, with it's obnoxiously large 23 inch widescreen monitor. I had my previous computer for five years before it finally died out, so I'd say I was definitely in need of a new one.

I'm also in the mindset to catch up with old friends. It just seems like the time to do so. I really don't have a clear idea of who exactly, but I'll figure that out at some point later.

I had a recent headdesk moment, it actually probably deserve two headdesks, but I'm extremely glad that I could clear it up and that the person involved was so understanding about it. Thanks.

I guess that's about it for now. Time to go play around with my new computer :-D

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