Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sleep and Dreams

I've been saying this a lot lately, but I value my sleep a lot. I would say i value it way too much, but I believe that it is overall a good thing to value. I do value it too much under certain circumstances, such as when i have work that needs to be done and I decide that I need to go to sleep, but in the long run I think that this trait is beneficial. Making sure that I get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep a night (usually more) is a bit difficult sometimes, but I feel like it effects me positively in my mood and daily motivation. Like most people, I get irritable when I am lacking in sleep (ironically, I am right now), so why put myself in this situation when I can just get a good night sleep if I use a little initiative. Last night is an exception, because I got a good amount of sleep, I just didn't sleep that well.

Sleep has always interested me. As a child, I always tried to find that moment where I went from "awake" to "not awake", but I realized after a while that it was impossible to consciously do so. Dreams are also an interesting topic, but reading Freud has shed some light on that, even if it is a light of speculation and not fact. This morning I woke up and recalled the dream I had last night, and attributed each part of the dream to something going on in my life or an event that happened in the recent past, almost as if it was second nature or (Freud humor) unconscious. I'd like to think that Freudian methods haven't ingrained themselves into my unconscious, as I'm still not sure if I agree with them, but it's at least good to be informed and aware of Freud's speculative ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe that's why my life is a blurb.. I need to sleep more. Like right now.
