Friday, April 3, 2009

Self Inflicted Helplessness

I have nothing against people who need help (I actually enjoy helping these people) but I do have an issue when people ACT helpless. There are many people out there making a valiant effort to control their lives and progress (as noted in my last entry), so it really puzzles me that so many people act as if there is nothing that can be done about their problems. Even when it comes to simple tasks, some people have become so attached to the idea that they are incapable, that they need others to cater to them in every way. Obviously you aren't going to succeed if you don't attempt in the first place. We all need to understand that we have to help ourselves before others can support us. I'm fortunate enough to know a good amount of people who live by this, but many others that I encounter are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

This was not influenced by any one person, but is actually a "bigger picture" thought that is influenced by the people I encounter while working in retail. There are people who I personally know that should take this message to heart, but not many that I currently speak to for this reason specifically.

Those in need should always met with an outstretched hand if they choose to accept it, but those who look for the outstretched hand to shield them from reality and live their life for them need to stretch out their own hand for a slap on the wrist. Or maybe just chop their arm off entirely. *cue angelic smiley*

1 comment:

  1. RIGHT ON! I knew people like that when I worked at Mcdonalds.. ugh.
