Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Reason of Happenings

I have said for a long time that I believe that "everything happens for a reason" and only today did I figure out that this was false. If I say that "everything happens for a reason", that statement assumes the existence of fate, which would then really mean that "everything in the chronology of existence and being has a purpose for happening". Since I do not believe in a definite predetermination of actions, I, therefore, do not agree with the first statement.

Instead, I offer the alternative saying of "We should make all happenings have a reason". This means that while all things that happen may not have a reason for happening (because they are not predetermined), we should live our lives in a way that we learn from all of our actions, the actions of others, and the events that happen around us. In this way, we make our own reasons (our learning experiences) for all things that happen. We should not let the world pass us by and not use it's events to our advantage. Through this process, we can forward our intelligence, our personal morality, and our relationships with others. I believe that these three factors are the core of our mental (and physical) existence, so their maintenance through "making all happenings have a reason" is surely crucial to a happy existence.

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